Nowadays, almost efficient product and high quality product have been requirement customer so our company have cooperated with the foreign company from development country to bring the high and efficient product for consumers. Especially, the country which have many brand of fertilizer in the world likely as Germany has known by many consumers trust and use. Our company have cooperated with Hein. Profer Company brought Profer Biotriamin that is liquid fertilizer. Profer Biotriamin will be more saving and comfortable, efficient and high quality with green, clean and clear standard.

Product name: Profer-Biotriamin

Type of product: Liquid fertilizer


Dealership : Luu Phan Co.,Ltd

Source of material: Profer- Biotriamin has extracted after that they will use the ingredients then through the fermentation process of raw material from vegetable or plant preparation and some method additives. Additionally, they will manufacture with high temperature let destroyed harmful bacterial and keep condition for helpful bacteria can live and grow up. Furthermore, they will make condense the nutrition and extracted most of essence material and keep in store for quality before they spread out to around the world. This product have invented by Dr. Heinrich Profer who is founder Heinr.Profer Chemische fertilizer since 1886. This company has passed through four generations.

Benefit of product:

  • Stimulates metabolic process and absorb the nutrition through by direct to leaf.
  • Supplement organic matter and N-P-K macronutrient and biological process of plants
  • Support to branch, leaf and root useful and more efficient.
  • Raise up flowering and fruiting, reduce the fall, and increase the productivity and quality of agricultural products.



Mix 1,6 litter fertilizer with 400-500 litter of water / ha/ time spray on the top of field . Spray three times per crop

  • First time : Spray on the stage of tillering
  • Second time : Spray on the stage of preparation crop
  • Third time : Spray on the flowering
  • Total of fertilizer : 4,8 litter /ha/ crop

Industrial tree (Coffee, Rubber, Pepper):

Mix 5,2 litter fertilizer with 1300 litter of water / ha/ time spray on the top and the bottom of  leaf  . Spray three times per crop

  • First time : Spray on the stage of preparation of roots
  • Second time : Spray on the stage of tree about 14-16 days
  • Third time : Spray on the stage after the stage 2 about 30-50 days
  • Total of fertilizer : 15,6 litter /ha/ crop

 Fruit trees:

 Mix 6,4 litter fertilizer with 1600 litter of water/ha/ time spray on the top and the bottom of  leaf. Spray three times per crop

  • First time: Spray on the stage of preparation for flowering
  • Second time: Spray on the stage of tree about 14-16 days (Fruiting young)
  • Third time: Spray on the stage after the stage 2 about 30-50 days (Rearing fruit)
  • Total of fertilizer: 19.2 litter/ha/crop