Product name: Luu Ich – Dau Ga

Type of product: Bio- Organic Fertilizer

Source of material: Luu Ich – Dau Ga is the bio-organic fertilizer which compound the nutrition inside raw manure from the process of composting fertilizer and fermentation of raw manure. The manures are collecting from our partner that is the livestock group company likely as: C.P Vina Thailand – Southern area, EMIVEST – Malaysia and the joint stock company CJ Vina – Korea. Furthermore, this product supply more and more nutrition for the soil and plant through by the metabolic process and supplementation by fulvic acid and acid humic. The acids support plant trees and soil a natural substance and including potential immune, resist affect from nature likely as pests, harmful insect, sickness plants, etc.. It can be said this product reach of goal of my company for the high quality product and green, clean and clear, safety products for our customers.

Benefit of product: Luu Ich – Dau ga will supply more and more essential nutrition, raise up the resistant for soil and plants, soil improvement, help the soil to be loose and fertile. Beside the long–term use chemical fertilizer will effect to the field and plants which lack up the nutrition and the regression land lead to nutritional deficiencies and weakness so supplementation is necessary. Luu Ich – Dau Ga is the product can use all of crops, trees for any season that will support to the absorb process of plans or soil let them can maintain and implement gradually the nutrition through by the metabolic process of organic matter by the reaction of fulvic acid and humic acid help for growing up the roots .

Additionally , fulivic acid in Luu Ich – Dau Ga product can support to cell division and nitrogen-fixing bacteria, raise-up osmotic degree for roots let it can reduce the lost of water and wither .


Vegetable, flower, green trees:

 Plant fertilizer 500-600kg/ha/crop. Divide twice time per crop.

+ First time: 250-300kg/ha plant fertilizer before sowing seed. Plant on the top of soil for two side and stir the soil.

+ Second time: 250-300kg/ha plant fertilizer on8-10 days before sowing seed


Plant fertilizer 700-800/ crop, plant fertilizer before transplant rice.

How to use : Spread on the top of field before stir the soil

Industrial plants (Coffee , pepper , rubber) :

Plant fertilizer 3kg/tree/crop . Divide twice time per crop

+ First time : 1,5kg/tree , plant fertilizer on the early rainy season .

+ Second time : 1,5kg/ tree , plant fertilizer on the end rainy season.

How to use: Pick two side of the canopy or around the canopy, depth 10-15cm, plant fertilizer inside the hole and fill up the soil.

Fruit plants (durian, jackfruit, mango, etc…):

Plant fertilizer 7,5-9kg/tree/crop , divide three time per crop

+ First time: plant fertilizer on the early of rainy season

+ Second time: Plant fertilizer on among of rainy season

+ Third time: Plant fertilizer on the end of rainy season

How to use: Pick two side of the canopy or around the canopy, depth 10-15cm, plant fertilizer inside the hole and fill up the soil.